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Alumni-Owned Business Directory

We’ve created a business directory to highlight and support SHS alumni-owned businesses.

All listings contain the name of the alumni owner(s), a description of what the business does, and a link to their website. Please note, all entries will reviewed and edited for clarity and length.

**Disclaimer: Companies on this list have been verified as a Stevenson alumni-owned business. Inclusion in this directory should not be considered an endorsement by Stevenson High School, the Stevenson Foundation, or the Stevenson Alumni Association. Please note that the Stevenson High School, Stevenson Foundation, and Stevenson Alumni Association logos may not be used by external companies without permission. 


Does the business have to be owned by a Stevenson alumnus?

Yes. While we'd like to support all small businesses, at this time we are only including those that are owned by SHS alumni. We are defining an alumnus as anyone who graduated from Stevenson or who completed at least two years of their high school career at SHS.  


Are businesses required to provide a discount for Stevenson alumni?

No. This is simply a directory of alumni-owned businesses. No discounts or promotions required.


Is the Stevenson Alumni Association providing financial support to businesses in the directory?

No. The directory is simply a list of alumni-owned businesses. The Alumni Association is not providing financial assistance to specific businesses.


Want to view the directory? Own a business and want to be included?

Please view the current directory or submit your information below

I’d like more information. Who do I contact?


Ryan Fowler